Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Social Psychology Test
What will my girlfriend be called?
Man or woman?
Test "House, tree, person"
Are you a rich person?
What is your lucky number?
Why do men like you?
Are you a dreamer or a realist?
Are you cheating on your spouse emotionally?
What do you control especially?
Tests for attention
Test Correction test - assessment of stability of attention
Test Correction test - assessment of stability of attention
Question 1 of 3
1. If you are chatting with a friend on the Internet, and he typed words in a sentence without spaces in a hurry, will you understand the meaning of what you have written?
Of course, I can mentally divide a continuous text into separate words.
It will be difficult for me to make out what exactly is written.