Tests› Tests for attention

Attention tests

From childhood, a person hears about the fact that you need to be careful, brush your teeth thoroughly, take good care of things, take care of animals, be interested in new books and not forget about lessons. The attention that parents so require from a child will be very useful to an adult in the future. To test how much you can concentrate, you need to take a quick online test and make sure that you can correctly and quickly concentrate on the necessary subjects and processes.

Attention test: psychology of the selectivity of our consciousness

Impeccable attention is the key to success at work, in personal relationships and professional communication. A courteous employee skillfully negotiates, not forgetting about important details, pays attention to colleagues and partners in time. It is impossible to carry out ordinary tasks without connecting concentration. It would be impossible to walk, eat, use household appliances, take care of animals and people if an absent-minded person got down to business. Concentration is also needed for a simple road crossing. An incorrect assessment of the situation will lead to irreversible consequences.

Attention test with answers

Attention is not a separate psychological process. This is a state of our consciousness in which we can focus on the cognitive process in order to assess reality. There are many practice tests that can help identify attention problems in children and adults. One of them is a proofreading table with Landolt rings. It can be used to easily assess the pace of psychomotor activity and mindfulness.

For over a hundred years, the "Proof test" created by B. Bourdon has been used. With its help, it is quite easy to assess stability, switching and concentration distribution. The test is carried out on a sheet with various pictures. Among the total, it is necessary to identify a certain symbol, which, according to the subject, differs from the rest.

To increase attention, experts advise referring to Schulte tables. With their help, you can develop volumetric attention, peripheral vision and thus significantly improve the reading speed. You can use the tables online. The training consists in finding all the numbers in the sequence from one to 25 as quickly as possible, while the eyes should be looking at the center of the page, and not running over the table.

Another interesting technique for studying selectivity was invented by Munsterberg. The person being tested receives a piece of paper with a random set of letters on it. The subject must quickly find 25 words among the meaningless icons. Explore and train your abilities to get more out of life and establish yourself as an independent person.

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

One interesting way to understand how attentive you are is to take a quick online test and get an assessment of your abilities. Answer quickly and don't hesitate. Then the results will be most truthful. If you are not satisfied with your level of concentration, turn to effective methods of improving attention.

Number of passed: 1240 207 10

If your child is watching more TV than you would like, you

Number of passed: 1488 248 12

Do you or your spouse have a more stressful life?

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

How often do you change your hairstyle and hair color?

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Do you have such situations when you are anxiously waiting for your chosen one to pay for you?

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

I don't trust people who open up too quickly.

Number of passed: 5828 971 47

What does squalene mean?

Number of passed: 4588 765 37

Do you like your figure?

Number of passed: 4216 703 34

What, in your opinion, is the main quality of a showman?

Number of passed: 7316 1219 59

Best Awakening:

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

Do you or your husband have a more stressful life?

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

Classmates are going to celebrate the tenth anniversary of graduation. On the eve of the meeting, you:

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Online attention test reveals your ability to notice details - in interior, nature, exterior. Is it possible to call you an attentive person or is it better to train your abilities so as not to be seen as an absent-minded person?

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

A concentration test allows you to find out if you can switch from one task to another and keep many details in your memory. If so, you are irreplaceable at work. But sometimes you need to practice so as not to be seen as an absent-minded person.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Attention tests in pictures are the key to answering how quickly and firmly you remember information. Perhaps you are an intellectual and just a mine of useful data. If not, then memory and attention can be trained.

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

The test for reaction and attention will help you determine whether you are destined to work as a pilot, machinist or driver of a high-speed car. Or is it better to limit yourself to calm and not requiring a quick response professions.

Number of passed: 5952 992 48

Searching for given numbers is an indicative test for attention, ability to concentrate. Numbers surround us. An attentive person, if desired, will be able to find them, walking down the street, examining the room in which he is located.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

The test for the ability to switch attention does not differ in a variety of questions, but it is such a test that helps to establish your ability to quickly respond to a change in the task.

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

The test for stability of attention helps to identify your performance, the rate of depletion of your attention resource. The result stimulates you to develop this feature of consciousness.

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

Is it easy for you to find tasks like finding a word in such a combination "ruklbyusradostvrknp"?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

If you are looking at a new wristwatch in a store, do you pay attention to the time it shows?

Number of passed: 4588 765 37

If there are a lot of strangers in the room, will it be easy for you to focus on the topic of the conversation?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Do you like doing Japanese crosswords?

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

You are immersed in an interesting activity for you - drawing, knitting, assembling a constructor. At the same time, someone called out to you. Can you immediately hear the person and understand what it is?

Number of passed: 7316 1219 59

If you are chatting with a friend on the Internet, and he typed words in a sentence without spaces in a hurry, will you understand the meaning of what you have written?

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

What color of clothes would you prefer?

Number of passed: 2356 393 19

What color of clothes would you prefer?

Number of passed: 8680 1447 70

What color of clothes would you prefer?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

What color of clothes would you prefer?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

How old are you?

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

How old are you?

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

How old are you?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

How old are you?

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

How old are you?

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

How old are you?