Tests Socionics tests

Socionics tests

Tests based on socionics are perhaps one of the most objective. They are developed by psychologists and psychiatrists, for example - such as Tolstikov, Talanov or Gulenko, and affect the most diverse corners of the human character. With the help of them, you can accurately find out your own psychological type using Jung's theory or other methods. A Swiss psychiatrist formulated and introduced them back in 1921, after which his work was developed by the followers of socionics. Having learned the sociotype, you can not only understand the distinctive features of your character, but also determine the degree of erudition and intellectual potential. In turn, identifying individual strengths and weaknesses allows you to find the best path for self-improvement. To determine the sociotype and identify individual features of your character, it is not necessary to contact psychologists - it is enough to take an online test. Socionics test allows you to explore personality and psychology without the participation of a specialist. From a wide range of testing types, you can choose the one that is more interesting (or several), since many of them have a narrow purpose. There is no need to pay money for testing, no registration is required. You only need a few minutes of free time.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Includes 20 questions that need to be answered quickly and sincerely. In this case, the test result that reveals the four main aspects and personality psychotype will be as reliable as possible. It will help you better understand yourself, establish relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

Number of passed: 1612 269 13

Developed several decades ago. The shortest test, consisting of 4 questions. Despite their small number, it allows you to fairly accurately determine the psychotype of a person. The test structure is built in such a way that the choice of the next answer is determined by the previous answer.

Number of passed: 1488 248 12

To pass it, you will have to answer 68 questions, the decoding of which will allow you to determine your true psychotype with a high percentage of probability.

Number of passed: 5704 951 46

Each person has a share of an extrovert and an introvert, however, the characteristics of the sociotype can tilt the character's cup in favor of one of the types. It is not easy to determine on your own who you are, but you can take a free test, for example, to identify a sociotype according to Jung's method, which will give an answer to the typing question as accurately as possible. Having understood who you are, you will not just find out which of the sociotypes you lean towards, but you will understand your personal characteristics.

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Suspiciousness and excessive caution are not always disadvantages, however, if a person is a hypochondriac, he is advised to see a psychologist. To determine whether you are susceptible to hypochondria or not, you can take a test consisting of several questions. Testing methods allow you to show exactly whether you have a predisposition to the occurrence of psychological pathologies and whether you need to change anything in your attitude to health in order to fully enjoy life. Perhaps the decoding of the results will come as a surprise to you!

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Taste preferences largely reflect the internal psychological environment of a person. Therefore, in socionics, food is also an excellent marker that can tell a lot about the test taker. Nutritional typing is a very common and effective way to identify psychological problems or lack thereof. You can reveal unexpected traits and characteristics within yourself if you pass the tasty test.

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

Your temperament can create troubles in your work and personal life. Do you need to restrain your emotional sides of character when they are too violent? Do you need to fight your own temper? There is a possibility that others see you as an unbalanced person and work needs to be done to correct your emotional state. To find out if you have choleric character traits or they are not expressed, a sociotype test is available, and you can take it for free.

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Perhaps, every test taker would prefer to be sanguine and easily resist difficulties of any level. However, the abilities of this type of character are developed in all people to varying degrees. How much vitality you have will help determine the proposed test. Determining the type of character will allow you to learn more about your own capabilities, which will make it possible to put self-assessments in a new way, to determine whether you should take steps to adjust your character.

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Do you want to know what percentage of phlegmatic is in your character? You should pay attention to socionics and take a short test to determine character traits. The phlegmatic type requires stable living conditions, does not tolerate a change in work or home environment. Create optimal conditions for yourself, having previously found out who exactly you are. It only takes a few minutes and just requires being honest with yourself when you take the test.

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Quite interesting can be called a kinesthetic psychotype, which socionics can recognize in you through a short online test. If you are of this type, it is perhaps not so important for you to see and hear the world around you, the main thing is to feel it with a touch. So kinesthetics perceive objects and people better, and their sexual preferences differ. Answer each question and in a few minutes you will learn about the peculiarities of your worldview.

Number of passed: 2356 393 19

Can you describe yourself as an auditory or are you just sensitive to sounds, but you are not? The decoding of this sociotype is a person who contacts the world mainly by hearing. He may not always believe his eyes, but he often relies on his ears. You should not do self-assessment, as your own assessment may be wrong. To get information about this, you should pass a test that will determine how much you are audible.

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

In socionics, many specialists divide people according to their preferences for the perception of the external world, including the famous socionist Talanov. Seeing is believing! - so the visual can say - a person who prefers receiving information through sight. This typing is quite interesting, and accurately divides people into types according to the way they perceive their surroundings. A few questions will allow you to determine online how important eye contact is to you. Through a short test, socionics will provide you with new information about your inner world.

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

By passing tests of Weisband or other socionic specialists, you can classify your type of dichotomy. However, simpler tests will allow you to establish your type of character, which can also come in handy in life. If you are melancholic, you are prone to experiences and stress, and practically do nothing to withstand adverse external conditions. If so, a short test will show it, and you will need to decide whether to change yourself from the inside or come to terms with the current situation.

Number of passed: 2976 496 24

Libra is always balanced in life, and not only in decision-making, but also regarding emotional characteristics. But, before using the horoscopes for Libra, you should determine the real sign of the zodiac. You may not fit the general criteria for those who were born in October, therefore, horoscopes for this sign will also turn out to be unsuitable for you. A free test will check the correspondence of social type and zodiac sign.

Number of passed: 3720 620 30

The sociotype peculiar to Sagittarius certainly does not reflect all people who were born under this zodiac sign. Self-confidence, justice, a sense of responsibility, talent for communication - these characteristics can be expressed in some Sagittarius, but absent in others. If you are in doubt about your zodiac sign, take a test to determine whether it is really worth believing the horoscope or it is better to be guided by the recommendations and predictions for another constellation.

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

Scorpios are considered quite complex people in terms of character. But you can dispel the opinions of others by proving on tests that you do not meet the characteristics that are attributed to Scorpios. Or, on the contrary, perhaps you will open confirmation that stubbornness, belief in your own superiority, lack of condescension are inherent in you. Registration is not required for the test, and the zodiac sign is determined online.

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Capricorns tend to be stubborn and find it difficult to prove them wrong. To convince them otherwise will require weighty arguments, since they will try to insist on their opinion to the last. If you have doubts that you are such, it is worth taking the next test for free, socionics will show how much you are a Capricorn. Perhaps another zodiac sign is more suitable for you, and there is nothing in common with Capricorns. Determine your sociotype in a few minutes by truthfully answering each test question.

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Ambitious Lions look down on others and are unable to forgive even justified criticism. However, the fact that you were born under this zodiac sign is not at all an indicator that you have just such traits. Deciphering the characteristics of your nature can be carried out using testing. The test is short and can reveal interesting facts. He will tell you whether you are a real Leo or another constellation is more suitable for you.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Aquarians are distinguished by an abundance of creative energy and individuality, but they are also characterized by mood swings and often contradict themselves - this is an original sociotype. If you are Aquarius, but horoscopes do not suit you personally, it is possible that another constellation corresponds to you and this can be determined by passing the test. Get to know your character better and see yourself from the other side!

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

Taurus is distinguished by hard work, they are famous for their independence and shine with nobility. However, socionics can argue that you are exactly Taurus, although you were born under this constellation. It is important to find out the truth in order to choose the correct horoscopes and not rely on those that do not suit you. A decoding of your results will be available immediately after testing.

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

In Gemini, two or more different characters often coexist, and their mood and opinion can change before our eyes for no reason. If your sign is Gemini, it is worth checking whether your character reflects the opinion prevailing about people born under this constellation. A large percentage of Gemini are similar in character, but you may not fit the general criteria. The typing of the zodiac signs is subjective, so it is worth checking yourself through the test.

Number of passed: 2976 496 24

Impeccable appearance, keeping the home, kindness and understanding - Virgo has many positive traits, according to the interpretation of the zodiac signs. But if we take socionics as a basis, the character of an individual does not depend on the constellation under which he was born. You can check this, but for this it is necessary to pass a large test and socionics will give an exact answer. How much you are from Virgo and from other signs, you can determine right now.

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Optional Pisces are most often silent and ironic, although they require others to be serious about their person. But the fact that you were born under this constellation may not mean at all that you will definitely have just such a character. Refer to socionics to give an accurate definition of your character, since, perhaps, your correct constellation is completely different and the way Pisces is characterized may not apply to you. Find out the exact percentage - how much of Pisces lives in you, and look at yourself in a new way.

Number of passed: 2852 475 23

It seems that you can without hesitation say about yourself - which of the two types of people belong to. But in reality, your self-esteem may not be accurate. Determining the sociotype is not easy and you will need a test. There are a lot of them! For example, those developed by Dmitry Talan can give exact answers. If you prefer to spend time in a big company or in a nightclub, it certainly does not mean that you are a party-goer. Perhaps inside you are a hidden couch potato and you should change your lifestyle.

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

If you are choosing a profession or looking for a place to work, it is important for you that the future field matches your character and mental characteristics. Then you will feel comfortable, find a hobby and, possibly, make a career. In socionics, the specialist Dmitry Talan recommends to understand yourself, who has developed many methods for typing. Determine, after passing the test - which you trust more - analysis or intuition.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

If you have already analyzed yourself using detailed tests based on dichotomies, for example - Weisband or Talanov, try a narrower typing. It will be interesting and useful for you to find out what kind of food you need all the time - informational or energy. Having got to know yourself from this side, you will be able to create for yourself the optimal conditions for life, work and creativity.

Number of passed: 2356 393 19

Online personality testing by the method of 7 radicals is an interesting opportunity to get to know yourself better and understand what opinion people have about you. It is known and in demand no less than Talanov's socionic test, which is very popular. The technique allows you to determine the main trait of your character, for example, a tendency to paranoia, anxiety, excitability, cheerfulness. It is possible that the information provided by the test will tell you how to work on yourself in order to get rid of weaknesses and develop strengths.

Number of passed: 1364 227 11

The difference between visual and auditory is significant. True, each person can hide two features of the perception of the world around them, which are used in different ways. Determination of which of them prevails is carried out using a test based on socionics. This is an important typing of people, which is based on the characteristics of the individual's preferred contact with the outside world. Decide who you are by testing yourself.

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

What type of temperament suits you best?

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

Do you analyze a lot before making an important decision?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

What in life are you more often guided by when making decisions?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Is the opinion of others important to you?

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Which statement suits you best?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Is it easy for you to learn a new business or master a new profession?

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

If someone offends you, you most often:

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Are you good at understanding people and relationships between them?

Number of passed: 2976 496 24

Choose one of the statements that works best for you:

Number of passed: 2852 475 23

What set of qualities are you more inherent in?

Number of passed: 6076 1013 49

How old are you?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

How old are you?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

How old are you?

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

How old are you?

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

How old are you?

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

How old are you?