Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Test for boys 6 years old
What animal do you look like?
Psychic test Who will smile who will laugh
How harmonious are you?
How do you treat children
Measurement of achievement motivation
Test of knowledge of Soviet comedies
Do you know how to stay calm?
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Jealousy Tests
Is there jealousy between the older child and the younger?
Is there jealousy between the older child and the younger?
Question 1 of 15
1. How did you solve the issue with a sleeping place for a newborn?
On the eve of his return from the maternity hospital, the elder was transferred to a new spacious bed, and the old one was inherited by the younger.
The elder was told that his brother (sister) would sleep in his place in his crib, and together with him we went to the store to choose a new bed for him.
Three weeks before the birth of the brother (sister), we put another bed in the nursery so that the elder gets used to the idea that he is not alone now.