Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
How do you feel about loneliness?
Do you have loyal friends?
How objective are you
Are you inclined to complicate your life?
Character for your favorite fruit
What do guests think of your home?
Test Total dictation
Hidden stress
What Instagram star are you?
What Stalker are you?
Thomas Test Strategy of behavior in a conflict situation
What behavior can repel a man?
What behavior can repel a man?
Question 1 of 9
1. During the first date:
I try to learn as much as possible about him, about his work, friends
I pay attention to how he looks at the girls around him, as well as how often he looks at the phone
I will definitely tell you a couple of funny stories from my life
I want to have a good and pleasant time with him