Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
How to choose between two men?
How to diagnose risk readiness - Schubert test
Do you have neurosis?
Test of meaningful life orientations of D. A. Leontyev SZHO
Are you a leader in the company?
Test ZNO 2019 biology
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Who loves me?
Psychological test (neuropsychic state)
Test for assessing personality and its tendency to conflict
Thomas Test Strategy of behavior in a conflict situation
How sorry are you?
How sorry are you?
Question 1 of 8
1. This morning you went to work after a quarrel with someone close to you.
You regret that before leaving you did not take a step towards reconciliation.
You are trying to focus on work.
You regret that in the heat of the moment you uttered destructive words.