Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Love test by zodiac signs
What do you have in common with your partner?
What kind of interlocutor are you?
How do you feel about animals?
How well do you know the cartoon Friendship is a miracle?
Are you spending your free time right?
Meme Knowledge Test
How do you perceive your pet?
Test for the level of formation of verbal perception of information
Willpower Test
Tests for creativity
Do you know how to choose gifts?
Do you know how to choose gifts?
Question 1 of 10
1. Have you already decided how much you will spend on gifts this year?
No, you gave up the idea of setting a budgetary framework for yourself, you always spend more than you plan.
You will decide along the way.
Like every year, you have an approximate amount for each gift.