Tests Readiness tests

Tests for readiness for cohabitation

A person throughout his life prepares for something: in childhood - this is readiness for school, at a young age - for the first serious relationship, in adulthood - for marriage and life together. These are far from all the stages for which we need to prepare mentally, there are a lot of them and they last throughout our life.

A life together is not only a continuous romance, kisses and hugs, it is also conflicts, common plans and concerns. Many couples run away when faced with everyday problems. Are you ready to share all this with another person? And do everything so that in life together it is comfortable not only for you, but also for him. After all, life with its appearance will radically change, the second half will have some of their own requirements and habits, and you will have your own. We need to achieve mutual understanding and harmony in relationships. Cohabitation tests can help figure this out.

Basically, every person in his life reaches the point when he is ready to become a parent. The fact is that many couples have no idea that with the advent of a child, their life is changing dramatically. And all that they are accustomed to, all their entertainment goes to the sidelines, because a man appears who constantly requires attention. Before deciding on such an important step, it is worth going through several tests. They will help you understand if you are mentally ready for this.

Number of passed: 5332 889 43

The animal is such a cute and gentle creature that will wake you up in the morning and meet you from work in the evenings. But this four-legged friend requires attention, he needs to be constantly fed, bathed, taken to the veterinarian for vaccinations. Are you ready for this? Will you have enough time for it? Answer a few questions to find out if there is a place for a four-legged friend in your life.

Number of passed: 7440 1240 60

Having started a serious relationship, a person should have a responsibility to the second half. This does not mean that you bend in front of him, thus trust in each other arises. Are you ready for a serious relationship with a girl? Or is it a difficult task for you that requires a waste of time and effort? Take the test, do not think about the answer for a long time, answer as it really is.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

How often does your kid declare his desire to go to school?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Does your kid love fairy tales and stories?

Number of passed: 5332 889 43

Do you think it will be difficult for your child to study at school?

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Does your child know where is left and where is right?

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Do you always have a pen with you?

Number of passed: 5828 971 47

If you get rich, you will lose friends

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Imagine no more electricity. Will you find something to occupy yourself with to make life interesting for you?

Number of passed: 5332 889 43

Real childhood frustration is ...

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Do you think that love at first sight is ...

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

What do you think most often when you glance at yourself in the mirror?

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Hearing the phrase great love, you immediately think of:

Number of passed: 1116 186 9

Can you light a fire?

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

What time are you used to waking up?

Number of passed: 7440 1240 60

how would you rate (your relationship?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

What mood has prevailed in the child recently at home?

Number of passed: 5828 971 47

Where are the competitions held?

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

If your significant other forgets to remove their clothes before leaving for work, how will you react?

Number of passed: 7068 1178 57

Which of the following activities would your child prefer first?

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

When you see a screaming child on the street, what do you think of first?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

Imagine that you are walking down the street and a man asks you to help him: buy medicine, because he is choking and cannot get to the pharmacy. In doing so, he gives you his money. What will you do?

Number of passed: 1860 310 15

During mild labor contractions it is necessary to:

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

Imagine that you are alone in the park and accidentally meet your former lover. What are your feelings at this moment?

Number of passed: 2356 393 19

What is your honor?