Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
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Wife or mistress?
Do you still miss your ex?
What kind of driver are you?
Rokeach Test Value Orientations
How important is appearance to you?
Afanasyev Test on Psychosophy
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Tests for parents
Do you know how to turn a quarrel with a child into a joke?
Do you know how to turn a quarrel with a child into a joke?
Question 1 of 11
1. You are walking with your child, it is time to return home, but the child flatly refuses to go. You speak:
Let's go home quickly! How much can you repeat?
Dear, you know, because naughty children, a harmful and strict mother is waiting at home, and a kind and good one is waiting for the good and obedient!
Do you want to stay outside? Perfectly! I'll go home!