Tests Tests for parents

Tests for parents

Various tests for parents can be quite informative. Thanks to them, you can determine for free whether there are problems or omissions in the approach to the educational process. The father or mother may not have any idea about the presence of mistakes in upbringing - they turn out to be too strict or, on the contrary, spoil the child. The test results can confirm that the parents are good, and nothing needs to be corrected. Testing is enough to devote a little time, truthfully answering the test questions. Among the tests, there are highly specialized ones, therefore, in order to get a comprehensive result, it is recommended to pass several tests at once.

Test What are you mom is focused exclusively on women and is an example of highly specialized techniques. Some tests reveal the developmental features of the child, but the child should not be tested independently - this can be done by mom or dad. When answering the questions, you will need to use information acquired in the process of observing children in the community and at home. Testing can provide parents with enough useful information, suggest what mistakes they make and what is recommended to transform in the approach to parenting.

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Has anyone thought about whether he is a good mentor, friend for his child? Everyone is ready to say right off the bat that they want to become a better mom, a better dad, but what is being done for this? And how do people cope with their responsibilities? The test will allow you to figure out what kind of parents you are. Challenge yourself by objectively answering all questions.

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

Patience, understanding and comprehensive support are important when communicating with a child, but how often parents forget about it! It has been proven that many zigzags in the development and behavior of children are associated with insufficient attention from relatives. The test will allow you to give an objective assessment of whether you are worthy of the title of parents.

Number of passed: 7812 1302 63

I am satisfied (with my child.

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

Should the mother have the last word in choosing a child's friends?

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

Receiving a birthday present from you:

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Do you follow magazine articles, TV and radio programs on parenting? Do you read books on this topic from time to time?

Number of passed: 1116 186 9

Can you leave all your business at any moment and get busy?

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Is your child over 10 years old?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Do you think your child often cheats?

Number of passed: 3720 620 30

Did your child learn to read early?

Number of passed: 7192 1199 58

On the boulevard, you constantly meet a baby, with whom only mom is walking. Why do you think?

Number of passed: 5580 930 45

The child is 2 months old. Your baby woke up and cried. What are you doing:

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Having matured, a child will inevitably face difficulties in life, therefore it is the duty of the parents to protect him from them for the time being.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Once you made a mistake in choosing a child:

Number of passed: 4216 703 34

Your children quarreled over a new toy. Your actions:

Number of passed: 6324 1054 51

Often loses his temper

Number of passed: 6076 1013 49

I consider it my duty to know everything that my child thinks

Number of passed: 7316 1219 59

You are walking with your child, it is time to return home, but the child flatly refuses to go. You speak:

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

Test for parents My child and I will help you figure out how you can get along with the younger generation. You may have to correct your behavior, change your approach, learn not only to command, but also to listen.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Am I ready to become a mother - a test that will help a young woman find out about possible difficulties, the period associated with expecting a baby and what will have to be abandoned with the birth of a baby. You may have to revise your own plans and prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming changes.

Number of passed: 1860 310 15

Am I a good mom? Am I making deep parenting mistakes? Maybe I'm too strict or, on the contrary, soft towards the child? Am I giving him enough time? What kind of a good mother is she?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Parents, by determining what kind of parent you are, you can establish the role of the child in your life. Perhaps you have flaws in the educational process or you devote too little time to the little one.

Number of passed: 2976 496 24

The test for relationships with parents will assess the microclimate prevailing in the relationship with them, and reveal the likely complications in communication. Maybe we should listen more closely to their instructions.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

How do I know when I'm going to be a mom? Check the reproductive system or immediately contact psychics? Is the psychological aspect important in the desire and readiness to have a child? Is it my time?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

Tests for foster parents will help determine whether you can take on someone else's child and give him your whole life. You may be in a hurry. You need to be firmly confident in your decision.

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

The test for expectant mothers will show what kind of mother you will be. He will determine whether you are ready for the birth of a baby, whether you can sacrifice your career growth for the sake of pregnancy, and show you how you will treat your baby.

Number of passed: 6820 1137 55

A test on children's attitude towards their parents will determine whether you pay enough attention to your mom and dad. Whether you honor them or perceive them as a burden. Maybe you should reconsider your views.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

What kind of dad will I be? Am I ready to become one? Am I ready to give up a number of established habits for the sake of raising a toddler? What role do I play in his upbringing? Maybe the role of dad is not for me?

Number of passed: 2852 475 23

Do you often spend time with your child?

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

Do you get tired of communicating with children?

Number of passed: 3720 620 30

How old is your child?