Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Test Walk in the forest
Test for the level of formation of verbal perception of information
Family quarrels - are you ready to forget everything?
Is your child of the Indigo generation?
Mental Retardation Test
Thinking lability test
Is your management style a commander, dodgy entrepreneur or scientist?
Do you know Russian proverbs?
Verdict for Romeo and Juliet
Do you know how to choose gifts?
Tests for parents
Parenting test What kind of gardener are you?
Parenting test What kind of gardener are you?
Question 1 of 20
1. The child is 2 months old. Your baby woke up and cried. What are you doing:
If I know that I am dry and well fed, I will wait, maybe it's just whims, it will subside.
Someone from the family came up, if there was no one, of course, to run up to him.
You instantly react to crying - you run up to calm down, pick it up.