Tests Tests marriage and family

Tests if you are happily married

Most people marry of their own free will, and not by force and force of circumstances. The motives for getting married will always influence the characteristics of family life. Awareness of their own motives when entering into a marriage clearly indicates that partners are ethically and psychologically ready to enter into it and maintain full and harmonious relationships at the same time.

Over the years of marriage, it may turn out that people have formed different ideas about the ideal marriage. They may not be ready for the responsibilities that society or their partner places on them. Even the idea of ​​happiness may be common. Tests are you happy in marriage will help you identify your mistakes, draw conclusions from them and improve your relationship. Through such testing, you can find out how happy spouses are and what to do in order to improve their situation.

Physiological readiness will never be enough to create a family. Testing will be useful even for those who are still at the stage of marriage. This will help determine the psychological maturity of partners and their willingness to take this step. If the newlyweds have not reached the required level of readiness for marriage, then they will have many frustrations and difficulties along the way.

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

Ladies will benefit from a test that will help them understand that happiness depends not only on sex life. A woman should also realize that her partner should not be perceived as a child who needs to be cared for. A good wife is a partner capable of self-education, with a psychological, as well as economic, ethical readiness for family relationships.

Number of passed: 4712 785 38

People who sincerely believe that their marriage was created for love can take a psychological test and find out how happy they are in family life. Thanks to the test, many people realize that family happiness is based both on mutual love, attraction, and ordinary affection and fulfillment of obligations by spouses.

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

A partner worthy of respect understands their rights and fulfills family responsibilities. Spouses should be able to take care of themselves, a partner, children, reach consensus in difficult situations, be attentive, patient, and respect family members. To find out which spouse you are, a little test will help.

Number of passed: 6448 1075 52

Do you think that your husband is friendly and attentive to you?

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

Are you interested in your husband's affairs, do you try to delve into them, even if something is not entirely clear to you?

Number of passed: 1984 331 16

Are you preparing food

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

My mood most often spoils at home.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Do you and your husband sleep in the same bed?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Do you prepare breakfast?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

What keeps you together?

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

What phrase best describes your family disputes with your parents?

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

Have you and your spouse discussed the possibility of another child? Is he ready to join the family?

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Does your husband prepare breakfast?

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Our family has a tradition of having lunch (breakfast or dinner) together on weekends or holidays.

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Is your romantic relationship developing fast?

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Your parents swear loudly with each other:

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Do you agree with the statement: My home is my fortress? Options:

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

Will you involve a third party to resolve your dispute?

Number of passed: 5084 847 41

Does your country house remind

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Does your spouse share personal secrets with you?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

How do you behave in a quarrel?

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

What does HE like to read?

Number of passed: 3472 579 28

Are you happy about your husband's success?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

What was your parents' family life like?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Is your work absorbing you more and more?

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Do you wear an apron when cooking or washing dishes?

Number of passed: 4712 785 38

The house is kept clean by:

Number of passed: 10044 1674 81

When people live as close as they do in family life, they inevitably lose mutual understanding and sharpness of perception of another person.

Number of passed: 2852 475 23

Do you think your spouse is very nice and attentive to you?

Number of passed: 5704 951 46

Are you annoyed by your spouse's illness?

Number of passed: 5704 951 46

I always notice that he (went (to the hairdresser.

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

How do you usually celebrate your wedding anniversary?

Number of passed: 2976 496 24

How often do you have sex in your marriage?