Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Beauty test
Who are you from Star against the forces of evil?
Are you a business person?
How do you feel about loneliness?
How promising is your union?
Who is your BTS boyfriend?
Are you candid in relationships?
Will you lose weight?
Fire training test for police officers
Compare yourself to Cleopatra
Business tests
Are you a Businesswomen?
Are you a Businesswomen?
Question 1 of 5
1. Your career depends on the negotiations that you conduct while in a foreign city on a business trip. The contract clearly does not bode well for you. You are inwardly indignant. But ... the negotiations are conducted by a very charming young man and, despite the complexity of the official situation, you get the feeling that you have been carried along the waves. What are your first thoughts:
I will knock out the contract I need anyway.
They consider me a weak woman, so they slipped me this handsome.
If I could have foreseen everything in advance, I could have stood at the mirror for a longer time to bring myself into the desired shape.