Psychology of business communication: tests with answers
You can study business communication tests in advance in order to subsequently show excellent erodibility in an interview. Nowadays, getting a job is often coupled with testing. Thus, the employer or HR selects the most valuable applicants for positions from the applicants. Of course, this should be taken into account when preparing for interviews. Business ethics & mdash; not an easy science and not everyone can do it in a matter of days. But there is an alternative to learning & mdash; tests with answers, which are the most valuable aid for those preparing for interviews.

The test for the psychology of business communication and the components of business success will be ideal for testing applicants for positions whose responsibilities are related to negotiating, contracting and purchasing goods. The test results are valuable not only for the test takers, but also for those who run their own business and are engaged in hiring employees. An HR employee can copy and use the electronic version to test candidates for profile skills & mdash; business communication, speech etiquette. Based on the test results, you can determine & mdash; the candidate meets the job requirements or is worth looking for another.
Are you ready to work in a foreign company
The globalization of the world economy has provided an opportunity to find work not only within one city or country. Many foreign companies are interested in foreign specialists. By answering the 15 test questions, you will be able to determine your chances of receiving a positive answer to your resume sent to a foreign company.
Test for a beginner millionaire
Pedantic Austrians have developed a special test, consisting of 12 questions, by answering which you can find out how easy it is for you to get financial well-being, whether you are prone to monetary risks and whether you are willing to patiently multiply your earnings.
Are you capable of running your own business?
A simple test, consisting of 7 questions, will help to objectively assess your chances of being ready to start your own business. Initiative, sociability, leadership skills - answers to questions related to your business potential will reveal your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur.
To be or not to be your business?
Do you know how to bring the work started to the end, despite the obstacles that arise?
Do you play the role of a psychologist at work?
This morning your colleague seems sad to you:
What work correspondence says about you
You have just sent an important email.
Do you know how to delegate responsibility
Your spouse volunteered to cook dinner himself today
What role do you unconsciously assign to your boss?
The boss doesn't seem to be paying attention to you. You think:
A friend (again!) asks you to do him an important service, and you are busy. You...
Coming home from vacation, the first thing you do ...
My boss ...
How do you expect to get rich soon?
Test for women How businesslike are you?
How do you imagine a business woman?
What time of day are you most efficient?
Can you get up early in the morning without stress?
Assessment of personal effectiveness
How many things do you do during the day?
Do you have organizational skills?
How do you usually save money for a large purchase?
You decided to visit a sports club because your colleagues are engaged there. How long will you visit him?
Do you suffer from zeal delusions (stress of over-responsibility)?
Have you had to work for many hours straight without interruptions?
Are you being too strict with your subordinates?
You are talking with a candidate for the position of an assistant. She is confidently holding on, her recommendations and documents are in perfect order, but her manicure leaves much to be desired, and the stocking has gone. You:
Which office is right for you?
The weekend is the best time to relax ...
Is it possible to get rich honestly?
Determine the peak of your working capacity
Is it difficult for you to get up early in the morning?
When I have a lot of urgent work to do, I often put new papers aside.
Your career depends on the negotiations that you conduct while in a foreign city on a business trip. The contract clearly does not bode well for you. You are inwardly indignant. But ... the negotiations are conducted by a very charming young man and, despite the complexity of the official situation, you get the feeling that you have been carried along the waves. What are your first thoughts:
Is it true that your boss will force you to work even if a close relative dies on that day?
Monday. You:
How do you master business writing skills?
Let's start simple. What is your mailbox like?
As a schoolboy, did you often do various assignments?
When the director asks you to take a piece of overtime, your first thoughts are:
Are you in business, career or hobby?
Are you in the business you do
Summer is not a vacation. In the summer you have to work too.
What are you missing to start a business?
The drastic change in exchange rates is causing me great concern
Do you always remember exactly the last name, first name and patronymic of the person in ?
How to tune in to a working mood?
Does the level of your performance depend on your mood?
Do you have the qualities of a business person?
Imagine that you went on a round-the-world trip, but your liner suddenly broke down and got into the port to fix the breakdown for several days. What will you do?
Do you have the traits of a risk taker?
I would rather risk starting my own business than working for someone else.
Test Components of business success with answers
Test The components of business success are the key to solving problems in your business. After all, it is enough to understand your own attitude towards working with partners and subordinates in order to build the correct line of behavior. And then money and success will not keep you waiting.
Specifics of business communication
Test Specificity of business communication is designed to highlight your main features in the communicative sphere, which will help you understand and use with greater efficiency oratory skills on the way to achieve your goals in a professional environment.
The test for identifying business abilities offers to choose the options that will most accurately assess your professional knowledge that contributes to growth, and indicate the weaknesses that hinder the development of your own business.
Who are you from the family business?
Test Who are you from the family business will help to highlight the important aspects of your character and personality, corresponding to a particular position, when distributing the main responsibilities between family members.
Test Fundamentals of Business Communications will help determine the level of development of communication within the existing collective union, between employees, partners and competitors. And also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of professional interaction in the field of official relations.
The test will help you assess whether you are a good employee, reveal the level of your professionalism, as well as the correspondence of the chosen specialty to internal needs, professional skills and expectations of high performance.
Which type of business is right for me?
A test that specifies which type of business suits me will help solve the dilemma: which of the areas of business cooperation has the potential to implement business ideas, development strategies and high-performance results.
Business Communication Tests with Answers
You are negotiating with a client. At this time, another client, more important, calls. What will you do?
Business culture tests with answers
An employee who has no relation to the process entered the negotiation room. What will you do?
Business etiquette test with answers
Who should introduce a new employee?
Test for workers at working hours
What is the working week in hours?
Picturesque test Business situations
How would a typical boss respond when his subordinate was unable to receive a response to a request?