Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Test for suicidal tendencies in adolescents
How addicted are you to crispy bills?
Test for depression. Beck Depression Scale
Online test in Russian language 2nd grade with grades
Test for assessing personality and its tendency to conflict
Dynamic test of verbal skills and abilities
What is your role in sex?
Psychogeometric test 5 figures
Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire A. Ya. Varga, V. V. Stolin
are you too picky?
Test Readiness for a friendly and positive communication style
Test Readiness for a friendly and positive communication style
Question 1 of 3
1. How do you feel about asking for help?
Always negative, with all my appearance I show displeasure.
If I feel uncomfortable, I am ready to refuse to help.
Any request on my shoulder.