Freudian Tests for Women
An important element of the person's perception of itself is such a factor as unconscious energy. If negative factors appear, then a person has the ability to react to them with defense mechanisms: the loss and its severity are always not immediately recognized, but only over time. Together with the advantage of this protection, the mind often negatively affects the processes that need to go through. Freudian tests for women can help find those opportunities and reserves that are hidden in a person.
According to the father of psychology, human behavior depends on the id, ego and superego. The lowest of the described levels is id, which exhibits only instinct and the minimum level of development. The superego, by the definition of a specialist, is a state of harmony between needs and moral norms. The ego is forced to balance instincts and moral norms. To find out your type, take the test and get information about what type you are.
The biggest pleasure is that:
You would like to lose a few pounds and have been on a strict diet for several days. And now you receive an invitation to a restaurant famous for its cuisine for an evening on the occasion of your friends' wedding anniversary. How do you react:
I think that talking about erotica and sex is a manifestation of perversion.
Do you make love at least once a day?
Do you have a soft spot for
What would you most like to get from a man?
Captured by unbridled passions
The greatest pleasure is that
Do you know how to kindle passion?
You are afraid of rejection, and in different situations in the context of your relationship.
How sexually addicted are you?
Have you experienced violence in childhood or adolescence?
You get home earlier than usual and you find your partner watching a porn movie. Your reaction ...
As a love prelude, would you like ...
How does the brain governs your sex life?
You are on a train and your gaze falls on a passenger of the opposite sex that you really like. What's your first thought?
Where are the roots of your erotic fantasies?
Before you plunge into the bath together, add a few drops of essential oil for more enjoyment ...
Lunch with your beloved! Which menu seems particularly tempting to you?
Do you have any idea what a partner should be?
Preparation. You are preparing to meet him. What do you eat before leaving?
What is your association with pregnancy?
A stranger in the cinema eats your popcorn without millet. Your reaction:
What on a woman's face turns you off the most?