Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
If you are lonely
Love Test
Does your health correspond to the profession of a manager
Who can your child become in the future?
Are you good neighbors?
Do you know how to have fun?
How sincere are you
Who are you from Marvel?
Depression test
Are you capable of running your own business?
how experienced are you?
how experienced are you?
Question 1 of 12
1. You are going on a trip to one of the countries of the western hemisphere of the Earth, for example, to Chile. What should be done a week before departure in order to avoid jet lag (jet lag is a desynchronous state of a person's daily rhythms with daylight hours)?
Go to bed one hour later every day.
Wake up one hour earlier every day.
Go to bed one hour earlier every day.