Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Which star could be your best friend?
Test on the 2nd group for electrical safety
Business ability test
Which pet are you?
What do you know about sex?
Are you ready for big love?
How to find yourself in life and understand what to do?
Who are you from Barbie?
What color laptop suits you in character?
Is your child of the Indigo generation?
Femininity tests
What historical era suits you?
What historical era suits you?
Question 1 of 8
1. How should responsibilities in the family be divided?
I love cooking and cleaning! And let the man earn money, it's none of my business
Being a real lady is already a difficult enough job to do at least something else
Equally everything: I cook - he washes the dishes; i work - it works too
Men are just chores, so I prefer to cope myself: I'm even better at it!