Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
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Online tests VLOOKUP grade 4 around the world
Are you highly sensitive?
Online Stroop test
Hedonist or Ascetic?
Sports and health (aerobic capacity).
How much do you know the cartoon Luntik?
Slimming Test
Estimate the share of jealousy in your relationship
Is your partner a manipulator?
How to test for emotional areas?
Tests for human addiction
How addicted are you to household appliances?
How addicted are you to household appliances?
Question 1 of 9
1. When was the last time you turned on the vacuum cleaner?
I do not remember. I try not to touch him at all - my housekeeper takes this as a personal insult
I do not remember. Since his dustbag full, I prefer a broom
I do not remember. Maybe yesterday, maybe the day before yesterday. The days are passing by at a terrible speed lately
I do not remember. My smart vacuum cleaner turns on and off by itself. By the way, I have been wondering for a long time, where does he put the dust?