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What is your ideological position?
What is your ideological position?
Question 1 of 9
1. What is the real relationship between the individual and society and what relationship would you like to establish?
Society is a social nightmare. Society oppresses and suppresses the personality, makes it its function. It is necessary to completely free the individual from society and create a free union of individuals, sealed only by a common authority.
A person is a set of social relations. The personality is formed and determined by the society, then influences it and forms the personality. Having freed themselves from alienation and exploitation, the individual and society will achieve freedom and harmony.
A person is a set of social relations. Society shapes the personality, and the personality serves social ideals and goals.
Personality is a symphonic unity of body and spirit. Society is a unity of a higher order, organically including the individual and social groups. The free submission of a rational person to society is a proper harmony of interests and values.
Society is everything, the individual is nothing. Nothing becomes everything only in a society held together by the idea of serving the nation. Without and without this goal, the individual has no rights.
Society is the source, and personality is its element. Society gives the individual the rights and the opportunity to develop, and the individual serves the people and the state.
Personality is the image and likeness of the Divine, and society exists only in service to God, the king and the state turns into a likeness of the human. Serving the individual to such a society and state is a religious and moral duty.
Personality is the unique value of Christian culture. Personality is primary, and society is a secondary derivative. Society serves the freedom of the individual and thus serves the Divine. Society should limit itself for the sake of the individual, and the individual - for the sake of universal
Personality is primary, and society is a collection of individuals. An individual has inalienable social and political rights, which society must preserve through legislation and the struggle of social groups for their interests through demonstrations and strikes.
Society does not exist without personality, but there is no personality without society. But the rights of the individual are sovereign and inalienable, and society must follow the just struggle of individuals for rights and support those who (socially) dropped out of this struggle.
Society is a myth and an abstraction. In reality, there is only a set of individuals, which is called society, general rules and duties. As long as their personality respects its rights are protected. It is harmful to sacrifice personal rights in favor of public ones.