Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
What to do on maternity leave?
Do you know your child?
What kind of friend are you?
Test methodology Klimov Determination of the type of future profession
Test for workers at working hours
Do you know how to listen to your intuition?
Are you visual or not?
Test for interests and inclinations: KOS - are you an organizer?
Test Are you poisoned with toxins?
Why are you eating?
Tests for identifying interests and tendencies
Are you inclined to complicate your life?
Are you inclined to complicate your life?
Question 1 of 6
1. A colleague distracts you from work with empty talk. What will you do?
I'll say that she bothers me.
I will pretend to listen, while I myself will think about business.
I will suggest postponing the conversation.