Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
What kind of person are you?
Naruto Love Tests with stories
Ability to use time efficiently
Test Select a door
Do you know how to stay calm?
Phillips' School Anxiety Test
Men of which zodiac sign are really right for you?
Hair type test
How to recognize your totem animal by date of birth?
Sports and health (aerobic capacity).
Tests for identifying interests and tendencies
Are you prone to drug addiction?
Are you prone to drug addiction?
Question 1 of 8
1. Unfortunately, tobacco, cigarettes in our life are very common among young people, but nicotine attacks not only the lungs, but also the heart, blood circulation. How do you feel about blue haze and smokers?
I believe that smokers poison any room and turn everyone around them into passive smokers;
Everyone should decide for himself where to smoke, any surplus restrictions;
Smoking is not allowed everywhere.