Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
Personality tests
Tests for girls
Test Lichko PDO
Peace of mind
What kind of Angel are you?
How to test a best friend for loyalty?
Psychological test Luntik Challenge
Socionics Quick Test
Trendy IQ
Are you tolerant?
Which one of you is a competitor?
Will you lose weight?
Tests for psychic abilities
Assess your ability to awaken generosity in a man.
Assess your ability to awaken generosity in a man.
Question 1 of 7
1. Do you know how to cope with bad mood, fatigue, apathy?
Sometimes for quite a long time I feel overwhelmed and even sink into depression.
Some situations can significantly unsettle me.
Yes. There are activities in my life that lift my spirits and help me get through difficult moments.