Tests Tests optimist or pessimist

Tests optimist or pessimist

What is your outlook on life? Are you full of optimism and believe in the best in any situation, have a positive attitude towards life and those around you? Are you an optimist and always ready to trust people? Perhaps, on the contrary, you are too gloomy and think that most situations develop according to a negative scenario. You, as a true pessimist, are in constant expectation of a catch, even from those closest to you. Or maybe you are a realist who knows how to soberly assess the world around you without embellishment and conventions. You know how to discern the negative sides in others and can adequately weigh the pros and cons. The dispositional optimist test will help answer these questions.

Life presents various surprises and it is sometimes difficult to understand how correctly you can assess the current situation and how real you perceive everything. Optimism and pessimism is just a definition that helps to reveal a person's attitude to the world. Tell about his type of thinking and help to properly tune in the perception and assessment of reality. An optimistic mood helps to establish contact with people, a pessimistic one, on the contrary, can drive a person into depression. In order to better understand yourself, take the test. By answering the questions, you will find out what dominates you: a bad mood or joyful emotions.

After spending a few minutes, you will learn to understand yourself and be able to correct your behavior. Believe me, the correct outlook on life is the basis for future achievements.

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

How satisfied are you with your life? Are you ready for new achievements or do you think they will end in failure? Maybe all your misfortunes are from envy or from excessive gullibility? Do you want to understand yourself? Answer a few questions of the test, and you will understand what guidelines you need to adhere to in life.

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

Find out what type of thinking dominates your character. The answers to carefully thought out questions will help determine your attitude towards difficulties and will teach you to maintain faith in the future. Do not hesitate for a long time over the answers, answer, as you feel that the result is as truthful as possible.

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Do others dress better than you?

Number of passed: 1984 331 16

When I remember my home, I feel more joy than sadness.

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

Your dreams

Number of passed: 2480 413 20

Your dreams:

Number of passed: 2108 351 17


Number of passed: 4712 785 38

Change tends to cause you to:

Number of passed: 6076 1013 49

You can be generous and altruistic because:

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

What was your favorite book as a child?

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

In the group I show myself from my best side.

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

You are a sad, yearning person, rarely rejoicing.

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

Where do you think people are happier?

Number of passed: 3720 620 30

I always try to keep an eye on new movies

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

It's common for you to see in a dream:

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Is there a difference between the words tone and nuance?

Number of passed: 6696 1116 54

What mood do you usually have in the morning?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

What will you do if the essay you just wrote gets wet and spoiled?

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

What do you tell yourself in difficult life situations?