Free psychological tests
Cheating test
When I get married
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Can you be disgusting?
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Love or money
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Test Know your type of femininity
Do you know how to delegate responsibility
Tests for two
If you stop loving each other
If you stop loving each other
Question 1 of 12
1. Your friend (told you about the problems with your partner. What are your actions?
Change the topic of conversation, because you don't want to know this: other people's problems oppress you
Listen carefully, because a person needs to speak out, but do not give advice, as you avoid responsibility
Listen carefully and give advice based on personal experience
Offer to take a walk down the street, trying to distract a friend from gloomy thoughts and cheer her (him): all the same, then everything will definitely work out
Try to meet with her (his) partner (partner) and listen to another version in order to understand the events and help