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Psychological tests for falling in love
Love Test
Love Test
Question 1 of 10
1. There are no trifles in love, lovers should remember all the details of their first meeting, memorable dates for them, even the clothes in which they were on a date for the first time!
Of course, I completely agree with this statement! After all, this is so natural: if you are not indifferent to a person, then you simply cannot help but notice what he was wearing, what expression he had on his face, all the details are important here
I think there is some catch in this question! In my opinion, lovers sometimes do not see something big behind the little things, as they say, 'I didn't notice the elephant!' And all because love does not give a person the opportunity to see something bad in a person, only good
no, it seems to me that this statement is fundamentally wrong. Clothes, perfumes, dates - all these are little things. After all, people are different, not all are so sentimental as to keep unnecessary things in their memory. The main thing is this feeling, it is either there or it is not, and everything else is nonsense!