What breed of dog is right for me and my family?
Question 1 of 10
Which breed of dog is right for me and & nbsp; my family?
Having pets at home is not & nbsp; only interesting, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; responsible. Some of the & nbsp; most popular pets that are brought at home are, of course, dogs. Few people know what to choose a dog by the `` poke '' method. wrong decision!
First of all, if you have a desire to get a dog, you need to study its & nbsp; breed, character and & nbsp; precautions in & nbsp; character. Dogs, like & nbsp; people, differ in & nbsp; several categories, from & nbsp; peaceful and & nbsp; calm, to & nbsp; serious and & nbsp; fighting. Better to weigh the pros and cons to figure out which dog to get.

First, you need to ask yourself a question: what are my conditions at home, and & nbsp; can this type of dog live in & nbsp; my conditions?
This must be done first of all! So, for example, if you live in the & nbsp; private sector, and & nbsp; you want to have a dog that should live at home, then & nbsp; its subsequent & nbsp; living on & nbsp; street will lead to & nbsp; sad consequences, and & nbsp; also & nbsp; neighbors will look askance. Alas, there have been such cases.
In other words, the dog should be in harmony by & nbsp; its nature both with & nbsp; owners and & nbsp; in a place prepared for it (for example, a kennel, a place in the & nbsp; kitchen or in & nbsp; room).
What kind of dog to get? The right decision for your family.
It is necessary to get acquainted with & nbsp; care and & nbsp; pet maintenance. Sometimes, pets require care not & nbsp; less than the person himself. Some breeds, in the & nbsp; cold season, mean walking on the & nbsp; street only in & nbsp; clothes specially made for dogs! If these measures are not & nbsp; followed, then & nbsp; a trip to the & nbsp; veterinarian and & nbsp; subsequent treatment can hit your wallet.
For the private sector, an & nbsp; ordinary pooch is also suitable. This type of breed is not & nbsp; very whimsical, and & nbsp; quite friendly to & nbsp; their owners and & nbsp; children. But & nbsp; it is worth considering and & nbsp; attitude to the & nbsp; dog. If from childhood she was subjected to `` bad treatment '' from the & nbsp; side of the owner, then & nbsp; of course & nbsp; further problems are provided.
Dogs remember a lot, even those who & nbsp; how to & nbsp; treat them. There are times when pets are at & nbsp; guests, often come up and & nbsp; sit with & nbsp; guests, which is pretty nice. But & nbsp; if you look deeper, the pet, realizing that a person who has come is kind of good, begins to `` hint '' like & nbsp; that he was stroked or played. From & nbsp; such an example can be inferred - the owner does not pay enough attention.
The correct choice of dog breed, its maintenance and subsequent care and feeding, gives a person a guarantee for a fairly long and friendly union. In response, the dog will guard the apartment to the best of its ability. If you make an effort and teach the dog training and some commands, the dog will not only bring slippers in the morning, but will also help turn off the alarm or take something to the place (within reason) after a hard day's work.
You should not treat dogs as part of the interior, because they also understand, feel and remember everything. If one day, after such a bad attitude, the pet is not at home, you can simply conclude that patience has run out. Again, it's worth considering what breed, for example, a fighting dog can fight back.
If it is difficult for you, a dead end has formed, it is enough to pass an online test and & nbsp; make a choice of a dog, and & nbsp; then consult a veterinarian about the & nbsp; desired type of pet, and, based on & nbsp; conditions, requirements, you can choose the best option, which is definitely not & nbsp; will let you down.